肾脏病和肾衰竭- Sci Forschen德赢娱乐国际



Ghalia Khellaf1 *M Saidani1年代Missoum2ŤRayane3.L Kaci4mc Gubler5中号Benabadji1

1 Benkheda优素福大学,肾内科,贝尼Messous医院,阿尔及利亚
2 阿尔及利亚康斯坦丁达克西Boubnider Salah大学肾病系
3. Benkheda优素福Üniversite电,肾内科,Nefissa哈穆德医院,阿尔及利亚
4 病理学私人实验室,阿尔及利亚
5 Inserm U423,法国巴黎AP-HP Hôpital Necker拉瓦锡之旅



背景:Toni Debré Fanconi综合征的特点是近端管功能障碍。这种孤立的家族性综合征很少见。它按常染色体显性遗传方式传播。尼曼-匹克病(NP)是一种同样罕见的常染色体隐性遗传病,其特征是细胞内鞘磷脂的溶酶体积累。这种疾病是由SMPD1基因突变引起的溶酶体酸鞘磷脂酶缺乏。

病例报告:我们报告一位28岁的病人从一级血缘婚姻的情况下,烦渴、多尿症家族史的员工住院中度肾功能损害和衰弱,肾小管性蛋白尿的发现与hypouricemia, hyperphosphaturia和高钙尿,导致诊断托尼德勃雷Fanconi综合症。另一方面,患者的特殊面貌,肝脾肿大、高甘油三酯血症和血小板减少症的存在导致诊断为尼曼-匹克B型综合征,诊断通过生化分析和遗传学研究得到证实。


托尼-德布雷-范科尼综合征;Niemann-Pick B综合征;肾衰竭




我们报告一例患者(图1),28岁,因中度肾功能不全住院探查,未标记发现在斋月期结束时腰痛和乏力。在他的个人病史中,有8个月时早产,自儿童起多尿多渴,4岁时在儿科住院期间意外发现肝脾肿大。病原学评估未得出任何结论。17岁时,患者出现寻常性痤疮病变和鼻甲肥大,伴眼睑水肿,下肢无水肿。经检查,28岁,体重、身高和青春期发育正常,身高为172cm / 70kg。脸是特别的;使人联想到鼻甲肥大,蝴蝶翅膀爆发和眼睑水肿。胸部和背部有斑疹和丘疹。腹部柔软,肝脾肿大。血压正常,120/80毫米汞柱。 The rest of the clinic exam with no abnormalities. The biochemical assessment confirms the moderate renal insufficiency: creatinemia to 21 mg/l with clearance to 47 ml/mn, normal uraemia to 0.31 g/l. The level of uricemia is low: 20 mg/l. Blood ionogram and blood glucose (0.94 g/l) are normal. The diuresis is 3l/24 hours, at the urinary strip the pH is at five, there is proteinuria and glycosuria. The assessment confirms proteinuria at 1.24 g/24 h, associated with hyperuricuria at 780 mg/24 h, hypernatriuria at 200 meq/l, hyperkaliuria at 31 meq/l, hypercalciuria at 435 mg/24 h, hyperphosphaturia at 1117 mg/24 h, has neither hematuria nor leucocyturia.

图1:与临床托尼德勃雷Fonconi综合征阿尔及利亚家族的家族系谱(I 2,II 4和III 1)与相关联的尼曼接乙综合征(III 1)。

肾在收音机上略小(右肾9厘米,左肾9.2厘米),高回声,但皮质髓质分化良好。包括皮质髓质区域的肾活检可检查6至15个肾小球(图2)。其中2个变成封闭的小块,其他的形态正常,没有常规的免疫荧光沉积。血管正常。两个小灶性非特异性间质纤维化,其中一个围绕着一些萎缩的近曲小管(图3和图4)。总的来说,所有生物学结果导致Toni Debré Fanconi综合征的诊断,考虑到家族多尿史,可能是遗传。事实上,外祖父(pt2)自孩童时期就患有多聚性肾结石,从35岁开始发展为双侧肾脏结石,并接受体外碎石术治疗。65岁开始进行血液透析,72岁去世。患者的母亲(Pt II.4) 52岁,有血亲关系,直到14岁才有夜尿。儿童利尿量估计为3 - 4升/24小时。她还发展双侧肾脏结石,经多次碎石术治疗。她主诉腰痛乏力。 Four pregnancies, two of which were followed by an abortion, the death on the day of their birth of 3 premature infants (6 and 8 months) and the birth, after 8 months, of 2 boys, including the patient, low birth weight (2 kg 700 g and 2 kg 500 g). During a consultation in nephrology in the dialysis center of the patient (I 2), the clinical examination and the radiological assessment are without particularities, the TA is correct at 120/70 mmHg. There is a moderate renal insufficiency: clearance of the creatinine at 65 ml/min, uremia at 0.24 g/l, associated with hypouricemia at 10.34 mg/l. The blood glucose (1.02 g/l), serum calcium (88 mg/l) and phosphoremia (30 mg/l) are within normal limits, as well as the blood ionogram, the blood count formula, the lipid profile, the protidemia and albuminemia. The urinary assessment shows minimal proteinuria at 400 mg/24 h, glycosuria at 3+, hyperuricuria at 1215 mg/24 h, hypernatriuria at 292.5 meq/24 h, and hyperkaliuria at 105 Meq/24 h. But further investigations are necessary after the presence of chronic hepatosplenomegaly. The liver test is normal and the viral serology, HIV, hepatitis B and C, is negative. Cholesterolemia is normal at 1.65 g/l but there is hypertriglyceridemia at 5.31g/l. The immunoassay provides no evidence for lupus. The hematological assessment shows thrombocytopenia at 92000/mm3.无贫血或白细胞减少。血涂片是正常和骨髓活检揭示了大泡沫细胞的存在暗示代谢过载疾病,特别是在此成人,戈谢病或尼曼 - 皮克。尼曼 - 皮克病的诊断是通过生化和遗传研究的结果证实:52皮摩尔的非常低的水平的存在/点酸20小时(规范200-3500)鞘磷脂酶并在SMPD1基因中显示了一个纯合缺失C. (1829_1831delGCC)导致精氨酸608 (deltaR608)蛋白的丢失。尼曼匹克氏病的胸部x光片显示弥漫性肺间质病变。超声心动图是正常的。腹部超音波显示肝肿大的不均匀性,与多回声结节形成、脾脏均匀外观和右肾上腺室低回声结节有关。多普勒恢复慢性肝肿大伴肝内阻滞门静脉高压征象,无失代偿征象。

图2:患者肾活检(III 1)三色Masson染色光学显微镜。光学正常的肾小球。

图3:患者肾活检(III 1)。三色Masson染色光学显微镜。非特异性肾小管间质病变,有02个纤维化中心,其中一个包含一些萎缩的近曲小管。

图4:患者的岩相(III 1)。在扩大鼻甲和眼睑水肿相关的两个鼻唇沟丘疹爆发。

放射学检查证实鼻角肥大,无鼻中隔偏曲;鼻窦是自由的。眼底及裂隙灯检查无特殊性。唾液腺的活检是正常的。经May-Grünwald Giemsa染色后修改肾活检,发现骨髓中有“泡沫细胞”,在肾细胞中未发现任何特殊的沉积物。


两种遗传疾病的联系,一种是常染色体显性遗传,另一种是隐性遗传,是非常特殊的。它可能是诊断漫游的源头,一种疾病掩盖了另一种疾病。在我们的病例中,患者有中度慢性肾功能衰竭,有多尿家族史,并向其母亲进行了血液和尿液检查,我们迅速诊断为Toni Debré Fanconi综合征家族常染色体显性遗传[2,5]。在这种情况下,肾活检仅显示离散的、非特异性的局灶性小管间质病变。但在该患者中,一些临床和临床旁因素,特别是慢性肝脾肿大和血小板减少,仍未得到解释。他们确实讨论了狼疮的诊断,但他们特别导致了骨髓活检和大泡沫细胞导致超负荷疾病,戈谢病或尼曼-匹克病,考虑到该患者在成年期[6]的症状学。酶学研究[7]和遗传学证实诊断为与SMPD1基因相关的NP综合征。在我们的患者中观察到的突变是纯合子delta R610突变,这在马格里布患者中特别常见[8,9]。与该突变相关的临床表现是在B型[10]中观察到的,[10]是该病中最常见和最不严重的,与文献报道的病例一样,诊断较晚,年龄为28岁[8,11]。在文献中已经报道过皮肤受累的病例,其特征是面部、背部和胸部的丘疹性病变[12]。 However, the presence of palpebral eodema has not been reported in the literature, which made us discuss a renal origin, this hypothesis quickly eliminated on the absence of important proteinuria, The radiological assessment revealed opacities suggestive of diffuse interstitial pneumonitis [5,11] and ultrasonography revealed heterogeneous liver parenchyma and presence of a hypoechoic nodule in the right adrenal lodge Interestingly, no cellular overload, no glomerulopathy was observed in the renal parenchyma, even during the directed reading of slides, after genetic confirmation of NP diagnosis. In the literature, two reports of renal impairment in patients with NiemannPick syndrome have been reported [13,14]. But in both cases, it was a fortuitous association, observed in patients with NP type C. On the other hand, an observation of renal damage directly related to the disease was reported in a patient with NP type A/B [15]. Impairment of renal function was detected at 14 years of age, more than 10 years after splenectomy. Renal biopsy revealed, apart from lesions of glomerular sclerosis and tubular atrophy, a massive lipid overload of podocytes, more irregular tubular cells associated with interstitial foci of foam cells. In electron microscopy, multiple, roughly lamellar, membraneembedded osmiophilic inclusions were present in the cytoplasm of podocytes, and more occasionally in vascular tubular and endothelial cells and sometimes in the nerves. These “myelinic” inclusions seems those observed in Fabry disease, but their distribution, respecting endothelial and mesangial glomerular cells, is different [16,17]. Unlike NP disease, renal impairment is commonly seen in other lipid storagerelated diseases, such as inherited lecithin-cholesterol-acyltransferase deficiency [18] or in other sphingolipidoses, such as Fabry’s disease or metachromatic leukodystrophy. In this patient aged 28 years, carrier of 2 pathologies, the long-term prognosis is reserved. The renal prognosis depends on the syndrome of Toni Debré Fanconi and therefore the risk of repeated episodes of dehydration leading, as in his parents, to calcium precipitation. A daily fluid intake, sufficient even in the young period, must prevent these accidents. On the other hand, NP disease exposes him to multiple complications, cardiac, hemorrhagic, hepatic, and pulmonary [8]. Apart from the symptomatic treatment, a substitution therapy will be indicating; a therapeutic approach that we think is necessary or indispensable in our country.






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引用:Khellaf G, Saidani M, Missoum S, Rayane T, Kaci L, et al.(2019)一种综合征隐藏另一种,关于一个阿尔及利亚家庭。Int J Nephrol Kidney Fail 5(1): dx.doi.org/10.16966/2380-5498.170

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  • 收到的日期:2019年4月1日

  • 接受日期:2019年4月12日

  • 发表日期:2019年4月18日,