谢佳佳1严钱2易王1荀刘1丹·邓1 *
1 重庆医科大学公共卫生与管理学院。医学与社会发展研究中心。中国卫生社会风险治理创新中心*通讯作者:400016重庆市渝中区一学院路1号重庆医科大学公共卫生与管理学院卫生统计学系邓丹电邮:100079 @cqmu.edu.cn
方法:回顾性分析2015年1月- 2018年12月重庆市某三级甲等医院糖尿病、高血压、冠心病门诊药品费用数据。数据来自门诊药品费用记录。采用单因素分析方法分析不同药物成本组间的差异。采用Logistic回归分析探讨影响门诊药品费用的因素。采用森林样地的方法,可视化不同慢性病药物成本影响因素的结果。
结果:2015 - 2018年,糖尿病患者190474例,高血压患者129535例,冠心病患者21982例。冠心病患者人均药品费用最高(687.53元),其次为糖尿病(582.50元)和高血压(473.30元)。影响因素包括性别(高血压除外)、年龄、医疗支付方式、主要药品类别、医生职称、科室、全面实施零加价政策。
慢性病不仅给患者带来沉重的疾病负担,也直接或间接地给家庭和社会带来巨大的经济成本负担[7-9]。由于慢性病需要终生服药和治疗,因此更可能涉及长期和持续的医疗费用;在许多家庭中,无力支付可能会导致额外的疾病。许多研究表明,慢性病增加了家庭的医疗保健费用,导致慢性病家庭的经济成本风险高于健康家庭[10]。这种矛盾在发展中国家尤为突出。非传染性疾病不仅给家庭带来经济负担,而且还增加了社会和国家的财政压力。随着慢性病的日益普遍,人们对卫生保健服务的需求将会超过供给,卫生保健费用将逐渐增加。了解医疗费用扩大的原因,防止医疗费用过度增长,对于个人、家庭和国家的卫生保健发展非常重要。中国政府还采取了一系列医疗改革措施,解决非传染性疾病医疗费用上涨的问题。2009年,中国启动了一系列庞大而复杂的新医疗改革。 The main objectives of health care reform are to reform health care financing, basic drug policies and public hospitals to provide affordable and equitable basic health care for all [11,12]. It has been 10 years since the implementation of the new medical reform, which has exerted a tremendous influence on the development of Chinese health care. The reform focuses on urban and rural residents and includes medical insurance, medicines, public health services, hospitals, health care and other aspects. Within the reform, the three pillars of medical insurance, drug pricing and public hospitals have become the main focus of the reform [13]. As one of the key points of reform, China’s medical insurance plays an important role in reducing economic burden for patients. Since the implementation of China’s basic medical insurance system, there has been a medical insurance system covering Urban Employee Medical Insurance (UEMI), Urban Resident Medical Insurance (URMI) and New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme (NRCMS) as the main body. Combined together, the basic health insurance covers 95% of the total population [14]. China uses a combination of government-guided prices and market pricing in the pricing of drug prices. According to the system, drugs can be divided into two categories: medical insurance drugs and non-medical insurance drugs. Medical insurance drugs are divided into two categories: A and B, with different price management. Due to the information asymmetry in the pharmaceutical market, there are many kinds of pharmaceutical market, which results in the difference of pharmaceutical cost and the complexity of the composition of pharmaceutical cost [15,16]. In order to better control the cost of drugs, since 2017, China has completely cancelled the drug addition fee (except for Chinese herbal pieces), and implemented zero price difference for drugs. Specifically, it refers to the sale of drugs by medical institutions or pharmacies to patients at the purchase price.
变量类型 | 变量 | 详细描述 | 值范围 |
因变量 | 门诊药品费用 | 定性变量(2级) | 0=low(≤median) 1=high (>median) |
独立变量 | 性 | 定性变量(2级) | 0 =女1 =男 |
年龄 | 定性变量(3级) | 1 =(0〜45岁)2 =(45〜65岁)3 =(> 65岁) | |
医疗支付方式 | 定性变量(4级) | 1 =现金(OOP) 2=城镇职工医疗保险3=城镇居民医疗保险4=退休干部医疗保险 |
主要药品类别 | 定性变量(2级) | 0=非西医1=西医 | |
博士头衔 | 定性变量(5级) | 1=小学2=中级3=副高中4=高中5=其他 | |
部门 | 定性变量(6级) | 1=其他 2 =内分泌和新陈代谢3 =一般内科4 = TCM-WM 5 =心血管6 =老年教学 |
完全实现零加价政策 | 定性变量(2级) | 0 = 1 =之前 |
采用SPSS 22.0进行描述性分析和卡方分析。使用SAS9.4进行多变量logistic回归分析。描述性统计使用均数±标准差。非正态分布的变量用中位数表示(25th75百分位th百分比)。计数数据以频率或构成比描述。卡方检验用于确定慢性病门诊药物费用的相关因素。多元逻辑回归用于探讨门诊药物费用的可能影响因素。显著性阈值为P<0.05。最后,使用R3.5.3构建林地。
2015 - 2018年,重庆市某三甲医院门诊就诊糖尿病、高血压、冠心病患者341991例,其中男性171594例,女性170397例。糖尿病患者总人数为190474人;其中高血压患者129535例,冠心病患者21982例。糖尿病、高血压、冠心病患者人均门诊用药费用分别为582.50(340.76、973.53)元、473.30(252.18、804.68)元、687.53(404.76、1001.62)元。门诊药物费用高于中位数的患者为高费用组,其余患者为低费用组(含中位数)。糖尿病、高血压和冠心病患者的平均年龄分别为63岁、65岁和68岁。受试者工作特征曲线下面积分别为0.63、0.69、0.68
糖尿病 | 高血压 | 冠心病 | ||||
变量 | 门诊药品费用低(N=95239) N(%) | 门诊药品费用高(N=95235) N(%) | 门诊药品费用低(N=64772) N(%) | 高门诊药物费用(N=64763)N(%) | 门诊药物费用低(N=10991) N (%) |
门诊药品费用高(N=10991) N(%) |
性 | - | - | - | - | - | - |
女 | 45257(47.5) | 47677 (50.1) | 34290 (52.9) | 34589 (53.4) | 4595 (41.8) | 3989 (36.3) |
男性 | 49982 (52.5) | 47558 (49.9) | 30482 (47.1) | 30174 (46.6) | 6396 (58.2) | 7002 (63.7) |
P值 | < 0.001 | 0.091 | < 0.001 | |||
年龄 | - | - | - | - | - | - |
0〜45岁 | 9758 (10.2) | 5112 (5.4) | 6956 (10.7) | 1984 (3.1) | 381 (3.5) | 205 (1.9) |
45~65岁 | 51691 (54.3) | 46718(49.0) | 32563 (50.3) | 25203 (38.9) | 4702 (42.8) | 4359 (39.7) |
>65岁 | 33790 (35.5) | 43405(45.6) | 25253 (39.0) | 37576 (58.0) | 5908(53.7) | 6427 (58.4) |
P值 | < 0.001 | < 0.001 | < 0.001 | |||
主要药品类别 | - | - | - | - | - | - |
非西方的医学 | 2640 (2.8) | 171 (0.2) | 4057 (6.3) | 580 (0.9) | 1284 (11.7) | 67 (0.6) |
西方医学 | 92599 (97.2) | 95064 (99.8) | 60715 (93.7) | 64183 (99.1) | 9707(88.3) | 10924 (99.4) |
P值 | < 0.001 | < 0.001 | < 0.001 |
在冠心病药品费用分析中,女性、非西药和全面实施零加价政策是门诊药品成本降低的因素。女性门诊用药费用低于男性(OR: 1.219, 95% CI: 1.149-1.299, P<0.0001)。非西药门诊药品费用膨胀风险仅为西药的0.038倍。全面实施零加价政策的通胀风险比不实施通胀风险高0.66倍。45~65岁及65岁以上均为门诊药品费用上涨因素(参考年龄:0~45岁,45~65岁OR: 1.466, 95% CI:1.220 ~ 1.763, P<0.0001;>65岁OR: 1.848, 95% CI:1.538-2.219, P<0.0001)。UEMI和RCMI患者的医疗费用高于无医保门诊患者(参考文献:OOP、UEMI OR: 2.827, 95% CI: 2.466-3.241, P<0.0001;Urmi或:1.396,95% ci: 1.150-1.694, p =0.0007;RCMI OR: 4.007, 95% CI: 2.760-5.819, P<0.0001)(图7)。
随着人口老龄化,慢性病患病率将继续增加[22,23]。一个人一旦患病,他的正常生活就会受到影响。长期频繁的门诊治疗和药物费用是造成贫困的主要原因。结果显示,糖尿病、高血压、冠心病等慢性病患者的费用随年龄增长而增加,尤其是45岁以上中老年人群,是门诊药品费用的通货膨胀因素。45-65岁糖尿病患者门诊高药费率是45岁以下糖尿病患者的1.493倍(OR: 1.493, 95% CI: 1.438-1.550, P<0.0001);65岁以上患者的优势比是45岁以下患者的2.063倍(OR: 2.063, 95% CI: 1.985-2.144, P<0.0001)。45-65岁高血压患者门诊高药费率是45岁以下患者的2.434倍(OR: 2.434, 95% CI: 2.305-2.569, P<0.0001);65岁以上患者的优势比是45岁以下患者的2.063倍(OR: 4.840, 95% CI: 4.584-5.110, P<0.0001);45-65岁及以上冠心病患者门诊高药费风险分别为0-45岁患者的1.466和1.848倍(OR: 1.466, 95% CI: 1.220-1.763, P<0.0001;或:1.848,95% ci: 1.538-2.219, p <0.0001)。 The elderly patients not only had an increased number of outpatient visits but also had increased outpatient drug costs, consistent with Lu WH, et al. [24] and Wang S, et al. [25]. In elderly individuals, disease resistance is reduced and body ageing is accelerated; thus, it is common to develop chronic diseases. The physical and psychological status of elderly individuals is fragile and slow to recover [26]. The more serious the patient’s condition is, the higher the cost of medication becomes. Therefore, the government should increase preventive inputs to improve the health of the people; strengthen the promotion of health concepts; raise awareness of the prevention and control of chronic diseases; strengthen the implementation of early screening for chronic diseases; conduct regular free medical examinations; promote opportunistic screening for chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and coronary heart disease; establish and improve the health management of chronic diseases; and promote the development of a healthy China.
基本医疗保险制度的实施旨在减少保单持有人的经济负担,并提供医疗保护[27]。根据目前的研究,与OOP,UEMI,URMI和RCMI支付方式相关的成本存在显着差异。研究的慢性病患者的多变量逻辑回归分析表明,利用不同支付模式的患者的访问数量有显着差异;UEMI患者的访问数量最多。与OOP相比,UEMI和RCMI正在影响高门诊药物成本的因素。此外,与URMI相关的成本与与不同慢性疾病相关的OOP的成本不同。对于糖尿病,URMI和OOP付款方式之间的门诊药物成本没有差异。对于高血压,与OOP相比,URMI是低门诊药物成本的影响因素,或(95%CI)为0.848(0.754-0.955)。对于冠心病,URMI是高门诊药物成本的影响因素,或(95%CI)为1.396(1.150-1.694)。不同结果的原因可能主要来自两个方面。 First, although chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and coronary heart disease have been included in the reimbursement program for special disease clinics, the criteria for coverage of certain diseases are strictly limited. For example, hypertension needs to be classified as a high-risk hypertension, which excludes patients with mild hypertension and reduces the compensation coverage of outpatient drug costs. Second, because diabetes and high blood pressure drugs are conventional drugs, residents can easily obtain them from the nearest pharmacy or primary health care institution, thus affecting outpatient drug costs. Min F, et al. [28] suggested that the popularity of medical insurance payment methods has changed the patient ability to pay and reduced the sensitivity of patients to drug costs and treatment costs. To a certain extent, insurance coverage will promote an increase in medical expenses, resulting in the consumption of medical resources and unequal utilization of medical care [29]. This phenomenon is related to the imbalance in China’s existing medical insurance system. Moreover, it is also due to the differences in the level, quality and cost burden of different medical insurance services [19]. Therefore, while continuing to implement “full coverage” medical insurance, insurance providers should also pay attention to the control and management of the number of prescription drugs prescribed by doctors to avoid the excessive use of high-priced and imported drugs. In addition, patients should also change their thinking to prevent excessive purchases of drugs due to the high rate of reimbursement by medical insurance. This change can reduce medical resource waste and effectively control the total cost of drugs.
分析表明,门诊药品费用受医生职称的影响。在本研究中,我们发现糖尿病患者大多选择中高级、副高级和高级职称的医生,这是导致门诊药品费用膨胀的因素;相关ORs (95% CI)分别为1.057(1.021-1.194)、1.046(1.011-1.084)和1.441(1.389-1.495)。而高血压和冠心病患者更倾向于选择副高级职称的医生。与其他医生职称相比,副高级职称和高级职称是药品费用增加的影响因素。有四个原因可能导致门诊药品费用与医生职称之间的关联。首先,获取临床资源和医疗技术是患者选择医生的主要考虑因素。这也是为什么大多数病人倾向于选择高素质的主任和专家。高级医生比低级医生有更多的经验和更多的药物治疗选择,他们更喜欢开昂贵的药。第二,在与糖尿病费用相关的医生职称分析中,中间职称也是药物费用增加的影响因素。 This may be related to the number of intermediate-level doctors. Compared with doctors who treat hypertension and coronary heart disease, most doctors who treating diabetes have intermediate-level titles. The reason might be that compared with some primary-level doctors, their clinical experience is extensive and the medication they prescribe is more efficient. Intermediate-level doctors tend to use drugs that are quick, effective, and expensive. Therefore, the use of intermediate-level doctors may also be a reason for the increase in drug costs. Third, with “comprehensive” coverage by medical insurance, payment responsibility and economic affordability have been improved, and patients can access high-quality health services, which indirectly affects doctors’ diagnosis and treatment behaviours and promotes the use of relatively expensive drugs. Fourth, more experience doctors receive more severe cases, so patients have higher drug costs. Thus, to control outpatient drug costs, standardized management, standardized clinical drug use, increased prescription management, and strengthened medical ethics need to be implemented. Medical institutions are responsible for strictly implementing the hierarchical diagnosis system [30]; guiding the rational flow of patients who seek medical treatment; gradually improving and implementing the graded diagnosis and treatment models of primary diagnosis, twoway referrals, and short-term and long-term treatment; standardizing clinical pathways for chronic diseases; constructing multi-centre and multi-state clinical pathways; and reducing medical costs and health care resource waste. Hospitals need to strengthen the construction of grassroots medical institutions and train their doctors in the diagnosis and treatment of chronic diseases. In addition, for patients, hospitals need to establish rational medication concepts, utilize appropriate symptomatic drugs, and avoid the excessive prescription of highpriced drugs and imported drugs.
自重庆市实施零加价政策以来,糖尿病、高血压、冠心病的门诊药品费用发生了一些变化。分析显示,全面实施零加价政策前后的药品费用差异有统计学意义(糖尿病OR: 0.797, 95% CI: 0.781-0.814, P<0.0001;OR: 0.753, 95% CI: 0.732-0.774, P<0.0001;冠心病OR: 0.666, 95% CI: 0.625-0.710, P<0.0001)。全面实施零加价政策是影响门诊药品费用的一个因素。自2017年9月9日该政策实施以来,非传染性疾病患者的用药费用有所降低。糖尿病药物费用由604.65元(344.90,1012.63)降至548.35元(317.29,901.15);高血压门诊用药费用由484.79元(253.60,825.50)降至435.78元(248.22,735.63);冠心病门诊用药费用由714.16元(420.06,1028.20)元降至621.02元(369.58,935.51)元。零加价政策的全面实施,有效控制了门诊药品费用,防止了“以药补医”的局面,规范了医生的处方行为,防止了医生开高价药、获得回扣, encourages hospitals to adjust the cost structure, improves patients’ medical experiences, and further enhances the value of medical services [31,32]. However, the zero mark-up policy also has some negative effects. The policy has led to increased operating pressure, reduced enthusiasm of doctors, and overworked medical staff in hospitals. At the same time, because the retail price of drugs in hospitals is consistent with the drug prices available to patients, some patients are willing to buy drugs from local pharmacies, which lead to the accumulation of drug stocks in hospitals [33]. Therefore, the government should actively integrate resources, improve relevant policies, increase financial subsidies, further promote the medical insurance system, improve the drug zero mark-up policy, improve the value of medical services, and implement a reasonable compensation mechanism for doctors. Hospitals should change their management strategies, implement the close oversight of industrial structures, improve medical quality and standardize diagnosis and treatment behaviours [34,35].
引用:[谢静,钱燕,王颖,刘旭,邓东(2019)2015 - 2018年中国慢性病门诊用药费用影响因素的回顾性研究。]J流行病学与公共卫生Rev 4(3): dx.doi.org/10.16966/2471-8211.179
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