Papadopoulou Lefkothea

电话:(201) 651 - 2576


1962 - 1965



1965 - 1970




周廷超,台湾人,耶鲁大学药理学博士,约翰霍普金斯大学医学院博士后奖学金。1988年,他加入纪念斯隆-凯特琳癌症中心(MSKCC)并成为康奈尔大学医学科学研究生院的成员和药理学教授。中国医学科学院名誉教授,五所大学客座教授。他于2013年6月从MSKCC退休,并创立了PD Science, LLC (USA),致力于定量索引药物动力学、经济绿色生物医学研究和开发,以及科学定义的监管事务和法律。发表论文326篇,被引25145次(谷歌Scholar), h指数67。他介绍了质量作用定律的中值效应理论(1976),并共同开发了组合指数定理、CalcuSyn和CompuSyn软件。他的理论论文介绍了CI方法和软件(Chou TC & Talalay P. adv.enzyme Regul. 22:27-55, 1984),在741多种生物医学期刊上被引用4921次。周博士是39项美国专利的发明人/联合发明人,其中大部分是抗癌药物。他提供了现代物理化学和数学解释的主要概念在古代东方哲学。


生物化学与分子生物学;细胞生物学;免疫学;传染病;生命科学与生物医学-其他;社会科学中的数学方法;肿瘤;药理学和药房;哲学;热力学; Transplantation.




美国新泽西州帕拉默斯PD Science有限责任公司创始人兼总裁


Synatural Pharmaceuticals, LLC联合创始人,Guilford, CT, USA

1996 - 2013


1988 - 2005


1988 - 2000























1965 - 1969





  1. w。a。和周。t。C。180肉瘤细胞与秋水仙碱的结合。物化学。杂志。17:477 - 481,1968。(如:4.65)
  2. 周,t - C。和李,彭译葶。眼镜蛇毒液对交感神经节传导的影响。欧元。J. Pharmacol, 8:326 - 330, 1969。(如:2.68)
  3. 周,t - C。L -天冬酰胺生物合成及其控制。提交给耶鲁大学研究生院攻读博士学位的论文(1970),美国版权(1972)。
  4. 周,t - C。和Handschumacher, R.E.的生产L -天冬酰胺的肿瘤细胞和天冬酰胺类似物的影响。物化学。1972年杂志。21:39 - 48。(如:4.65)
  5. 周,t - C。多底物-多产物酶反应的组合分析。j .系统结构。生物35:285 - 297,1972。(如:2.30
  6. 周,t - C。和Talalay, P. The mechanisms of S - adenosylmethionine synthesis by纯化制备的面包酵母。生物化学11:1065 - 1073,1972。(如:6.58)
  7. 周,t - C。Lombardini, J.B. A rapid assay procedure for ATP: L -蛋氨酸S -腺苷转移酶。Biochim。Biophys。Acta 276:399 - 406, 1972。(如:3.37)
  8. 伦巴迪尼,j.b.,周,T. C。Talalay, P.大鼠肝脏三磷酸腺苷- L -蛋氨酸- S -腺苷转移酶的调控特性。物化学。1973年j . 135:43 - 57。(如:4.28)
  9. 周,t - C。,and Talalay, P. Inhibition of ATP: L‑methionine S‑adenosyltransferase of bakers' yeast by structural analogues of ATP. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 321:467‑474, 1973. (IF: 3.37)
  10. 周,t - C。不同反应物数量、不同反应机制和不同抑制机制下酶催化反应的抑制常数与抑制分数的关系。摩尔。杂志10:235 - 247。1974.(如:4.12)
  11. 周,t - C。通过剂量-反应关系的双对数变换确定中效剂量的一般程序。1975年34:228-228。
  12. 周,苏耿赋。阿比诺苷(a- c)在正常和白血病血液和骨髓中的体外代谢。Proc。。Assoc。巨蟹座16号:79-79,1975。
  13. 周,t - C。,Hutchinson, D.J., Schmid, F.A. and Philips, F.S. Metabolism and selective effect of 1‑b‑D‑arabinofuranosyl-cytosine in L1210 and host tissues in vivo. Cancer Res. 35:225‑236, 1975. (IF: 9.28)
  14. 周,t - C。和Talalay, P.等。酶动力学系统的多重抑制和异bol:一般方程的推导。1976年第35卷第284期
  15. 周,t - C。,Hutchinson, D.J., Schmid, F.A. and Philips, F.S. Occurrence of deaminated monophosphate nucleotide in extra‑ cellular sites after giving arabinofuranosylcytosine to mice. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 255:287‑291, 1975. (IF: 4.31)
  16. 飞利浦,F.S,周,t。C。,Hutchinson, D.J., Schmid, F.A. and Sternberg, S.S. Selective toxicity and chemotherapeutic efficacy. In Pharmacological Basis of Cancer Chemotherapy, pp.469‑484, Williams & Williams, Baltimore, 1975.
  17. 周,t - C。参考配体的Michaelis - Menten型和Hill型方程的推导和性质。j .系统结构。生物59:253 - 276,1976。(如:2.30)
  18. 周,t - C。稳定态系统中配体结合位点可用性的测定。j .系统结构。生物65:345 - 356,1977。(如:2.30)
  19. 周,t - C。在剂量效应分析中,质量作用定律与幂次定律、概率定律和logit低定律的比较。药理学家19:165 - 165,1977。
  20. 周,t - C。,Vidal, P. and Philips, F.S. Comparison of tissue distribution and fate of 2,2'‑anhydro‑1‑b‑D‑arabinofuranosyl ‑5‑fluorocytosine (AAFC) and 1‑b‑D‑arabinofuranosyl‑5‑fluoro-cytosine (AFC) in rats. Cancer Treatment Rep. 61:617‑624, 1977.
  21. 周,t - C。,Coulter, A.W., Lombardini, J.B., Sufrin, J.B. and Talalay, P. The enzymatic synthesis of S‑adenosyl‑L‑ methionine: Mechanisms and inhibition. In The Biochemistry of Adenosylmethionine: Chemistry, Metabolism and Biological Roles,, pp. 18‑36, Columbia University Press, 1977.
  22. 周,t - C。和Talalay, P.一个简单的广义方程,用于分析Michaelis - Menten动力学系统的多重抑制。生物。化学252:6438 - 6442,1977。(如:6.36)
  23. 周,t - C。,Arlin, Z., Clarkson, B.C. and Philips, F.S. Metabolism of 1‑b‑D‑arabinofuranosylcytosine in human leukemic cells. Cancer Res. 37:3561‑3570, 1977. (IF: 9.28)
  24. 克拉克森,B.,弗里德,J.,周,T. C。,Strife, A., Ferguson, R., Sullivan, S., Kitahara, T. and Oyama, A. Duration of the dormant state in an established cell line of human hematopoietic cells. Cancer Res. 37:4506‑4522, 1977. (IF: 9.28)
  25. 周,t - C。,Burchenal, J.H., Fox, J.J., Watanabe, K.A., Chu, C.K. and Philips, F.S. Metabolism and effects of 5‑(b‑D‑ribofuranosyl) isocytosine in P815 cells. Cancer Res. 39:720‑728, 1979. (IF: 9.28)
  26. 周,t - C。用中位效应方程分析不同原因的年龄特定死亡率。1978年,37:882-882。
  27. 周,t - C。和Talalay, P. A general equation for multiple inhibition of Michaelis - Menten and Hill kinetics systems by mutual - exclusive and nonexclusive inhibitors.1979年,美联储会议38:645-645。
  28. 周,苏耿赋。低剂量慢性接触与高剂量单次注射致癌物质的剂量效应关系比较:中效原理分析致癌1:203 - 213,1980。(如:5.38)
  29. 周,t - C。以及D.G.米勒的一种用于分析癌症发病率趋势的双参数方法。上午第四次年会。Soc。上一页。肿瘤防治杂志。,Chicago, Ill. March 6‑7,. p.10-10, 1980.
  30. 伍德考克,t.m.,周,t。C。,Tan, T.C., Sternberg, S.S., Philips, F.S., Young, C.W. and Burchenal, J.H. Biochemical, pharmacological, and phase I clinical evaluation of pseudoisocytidine. Cancer Res. 40:4243‑4249, 1980. (IF: 9.28)
  31. 小R.P. Warrell,周t.c。,Gordon, C., Tan, C., Roberts, J., Sternberg, S.S., Philips, F.S. and Young, C.W. Phase I evaluation of succinylated acinetobacter glutaminase‑ asparaginase in adults. Cancer Res. 40:4546‑4551, 1980. (IF: 9.28)
  32. 周,t - C。基于质量作用定律原理的致癌风险评估:应用于2 -乙酰氨基芴(2 - AAF)的大规模慢性饲养实验Proc。。Assoc。巨蟹座22:141-141,1981。
  33. 周,t - C。Michaelis - Menten和具有两个或两个以上互斥和非互斥抑制剂的高阶动力学系统的抑制剂分析的广义方程。四。J. Biochem. 115:207 - 216, 1981。(如:3.26)
  34. 渡边k.a., Reichman, U, Fox, J.J.和Chou, T. C。猴血浆和小鼠肾脏胞苷脱氨酶的底物特异性及作用机制。核苷CXIX。Chemico -杂志。交互37:41 - 1981。
  35. 周,t - C。,Feinberg, A., Grant, A.J., Vidal, P., Reichman, U., Watanabe, K.A., Fox, J.J. and Philips, F.S. Pharmacological disposition and metabolic fate of 2'‑fluoro‑5‑iodo‑1‑b‑D‑arabinofuranosylcytosine in mice and rats. Cancer Res. 41:3336‑ 3342, 1981. (IF: 9.28)
  36. 周,t - C。,Burchenal, J.H., Schmid, F.A., Braun, T.J., Su, T.L., Watanabe, K.A., Fox, J.J., and Philips, F.S. Biochemical effects of 2'‑fluoro‑5‑methyl‑1‑b‑D‑arabino- furanosyluracil and 2'‑fluoro‑5‑iodo‑1‑b‑D‑arabino- furanosylcytosine in mouse leukemic cells sensitive and resistant to 1-b-D-arabinosylcytosine. Cancer Res. 42:3957‑3963, 1982. (IF: 9.28)
  37. Teller, m.n., Stock, C., Bowie, M., Chou, T. C。,and Budinger, J.M. Therapy of 7,12-dimethylbenz(A)anthrace3ne-‑induced rat mammary carcinomas with combinations of 5‑fluorouracil and 2‑a‑methyldihydro-testos-terone propionate. Cancer Res. 42:4408‑4412, 1982. (IF: 9.28)
  38. 格兰特,j.a.,范伯格,A.周,T. C。,Watanabe, K.A., Fox, J.J., and Philips, F.S. Incorporation of 2'‑fluoro‑5‑ iodo‑1‑b‑D‑ arabinofuranosylcytosine into DNA of neoplastic and normal mammalian tissues. Biochem. Pharmacol. 31:1103‑1108, 1982. (IF: 4.65)
  39. Burchenal, j.j., Chou, T. C。,Lokys, L., Smith, R.S., Watanabe, K.A., Su, T.L., and Fox, J.J. Activity of 2'‑fluoro‑5‑methyl‑ arauracil against mouse leukemias sensitive and resistant to 1-b-D-arabinosylcytosine. Cancer Res. 42:2598‑2600, 1982. (IF: 9.28)
  40. Warrell R.P J。,阿尔林,Z.A,哎呀,周,t - C t。,Roberts, J., and Young, C.W. Clinical evaluation of succinylated acinetobacter glutaminase‑asparaginase in adult leukemia. Cancer Treat. Rep. 66:1479‑1485, 1982.
  41. 周,t - C。和Talalay, P.联合药物效应分析:一个非常老的问题的新视角。趋势杂志。Sci 4:450 - 454, 1983。(如:13.05)
  42. 周,t - C。,Schmidt, F.A., Feinberg, A., Philips, F.S., and Han, J. Uptake, initial effects, and chemotherapeutic efficacy of harringtonine in murine leukemic cells sensitive and resistant to vincristine and other chemotherapeutic agents. Cancer Res. 43:3074‑3079, 1983. (IF: 9.28)
  43. N. Kolassa, Paterson, a.r.p.和Chou, T. C。通过抑制膜运输修饰硝基苄基硫代嘌呤5' -单磷酸假异胞嘧啶在小鼠和大鼠的药代动力学。癌症治疗。众议员67:51 - 58,1983年。
  44. 李,t.c.,切洛,p.l.,周,t.c.。,Templeton, M.A., and Parham, J.C. Synthesis of an N‑aminopyrazinonium analog of cytidine. J. Med. Chem. 26:283‑285, 1983. (IF: 5.48)
  45. Steckel, J., Robert, J., Philips, F.S.和Chou, T. C。不动杆菌谷氨酰胺-天冬酰胺酶的动力学特性和抑制。物化学。杂志。32:971 - 977,1983。(如:4.65)
  46. 飞利浦,f.s., Feinberg, A., Chou, T. C。,Vidal, P.M., Su, T.L., Watanabe, K.A., and Fox, J.J. Distribution, metabolism, and excretion of 1‑(2‑fluoro‑2‑deoxy‑b‑D- arabinofuranosyl)‑thymine and 1‑(2‑fluoro‑2‑deoxy‑b‑D‑ arabinofuranosyl)‑5‑iodo‑cytosine. Cancer Res. 43: 3619‑3627, 1983. (IF: 9.28)
  47. 布鲁门瑞奇,m.s.,周,t。C。,Andreeff, M., Vale, K., Clarkson, B.D., and Young, C.W. Thymidine as a kinetic and biochemical modulator of 1‑b‑D‑arabinofuranosylcytosine in human acute nonlymphocytic leukemia. Cancer Res. 44:825‑830, 1984. (IF: 9.28)
  48. Blumenreich, m.s., Woodcock, t.m., Andreeff, M., Hiddemann, W., Chou, T. C。,Vale, K., O'Hehir, M., Clarkson, B., and Young, C.W. Effect of very high‑dose thymidine infusion on leukemia and lymphoma patients. Cancer Res. 44:2203‑2207, 1984. (IF: 9.28)
  49. 周,J.,周,T. C。和Talalay, P.通过改进的实验设计,广义方程和计算机分析保护实验动物。1984年第43:576-576页。
  50. 周,t - C。,Lopez, C., Colacino, J.M., Feinberg, A., Watanabe, K.A., Fox, J.J., and Philips, F.S. Metabolic competition studies of 2'‑fluoro‑5‑iodo‑1‑b‑D‑arabino- furanosylcytosine in Vero cells and herpes simplex type 1‑infected Vero cells. Mol. Pharmacol. 26:587‑593, 1984. (IF: 4.12)
