Viroj Wiwanitkit*
泰国素林拉贾巴特大学*通讯作者:Viroj Wiwanitkit教授,Wiwanitkit House,Bangkhae,曼谷泰国10160,电子邮件:wviroj@yahoo.com
临床案例研究对于连续医学教育非常重要[1]。这种出版物对于作者和读者都很有用。一些特定的期刊集中了解这种出版物(如临床案例研究,案例报告和案例研究等)。为例研究,应提及和讨论有趣的情况。然而,有一种案例研究很少提到和发表。这是临床实践错误(CPE)的情况。它没有问题的实施质量控制,仍然可以在实践中看到错误。人为错误是此类问题的最常见原因[2]。确实,任何CPE都会导致问题。问题可能会失去时间,失去金钱,丢失的设施,失去的名望和患者的生活失去。 In some cases, the CPE might be minor and overlooked. In quality management, the case incident report is needed for corrective and preventive action. Analysis of incidents is useful and can be the source of case studies. Sometimes, the CPE is unbelievable but it becomes the story (such as automatic laboratory result reports that cause confusion to the patients; automatic report generation with pregnancy test in a male case; report with name of “cancer clinic” to the patient, etc.). Any CPE, either minor or major, has its own usefulness and story. It is advises that practitioners should report interesting CPE to the society to be a case study and lesson learnt.
引用:Wiwanitkit V(2015)临床实践错误:有趣的临床案例研究。临床病例1(1):doi http://dx.doi.org/10.16966/2471-4925.101
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