
Demir Akin博士是纳米生物技术和纳米医学领域的知名专家,也是诊断和治疗性微/纳米制备设备、纳米靶向药物和成像剂设计和交付癌症和传染病领域的先锋跨学科科学家。他的正式教育包括兽医博士学位,临床和诊断微生物学硕士学位,病理学和分子病毒学博士学位。他在生物医学科学领域有30多年的经验,在电气工程(生物传感器)和医学纳米技术方面有13年以上的专业经验。在加入斯坦福大学医学院之前,他曾在普渡大学生物医学工程学院担任助理研究教授(纳米医学),在那里他还管理了Birck纳米技术中心的6个BioMEMS和纳米生物实验室。Akin博士于2008年加入斯坦福大学放射科,在过去的六年里,他一直在指导一个癌症纳米技术研究组合,投资超过3000万美元。他目前担任斯坦福癌症纳米技术卓越和翻译中心(CCNE-T;http://mips.stanford.edu/grants/ccne-t, PI: Sanjiv Sam gambir,医学博士),斯坦福大学医学院。该中心由来自国内顶尖大学的杰出纳米科学家、工程师和医生组成的联盟,利用基于纳米技术的体外诊断和医学成像工具,共同解决癌症早期检测和预测以及癌症治疗反应监测方面的问题。在他的早期载体期间,Akin博士在普渡大学核工程学院(the School of Nuclear Engineering at Purdue)从事基于人工智能的in - silicon生物学和基因组学领域的工作。2002年,他加入了那里的电气和计算机工程系,担任高级科学家,并在基础的设计、操作、在2008年5月来到斯坦福之前,他一直担任伯克纳米技术中心的领导。 Dr. Akin carried out research in the areas of diagnostic and therapeutic micro/nano-medical devices, microchip and BioMEMS/NEMS-based devices for applications in cancer andinfectious disease detection, in particularultrasensitive detection of air-borne pathogens with pandemic/biothreat potential. Dr. Akin’s current research interests are focused on the development and clinical validation of wearable/implantable micro-fabricated devices for continuous and minimally invasive monitoring of cancer relevant biomarkers (protein, nucleic acid and circulating tumor cells) in bodily fluids, intracellular nanomedical robotics, analysis of cell:cellsignaling in cancer, biomimetic medical devices, and bionics for function restorative medicine. Among many of his distinctions, he is a member of the NCI Alliance for Nanotechnology in Cancer and nanoHub, a founding member of the American Academy of Nanomedicine, a founding member of International Society for Human Simulation, and serves as panelist on numerous grant and scientific review boards nationally and internationally as well as being an editorial board member of twojournals. Dr. Akin has also contributed to two very important U.S. National Nanotechnology Policy Recommendations and Plans: a) Cancer Nanotechnology Plan 2010-2020. National Cancer Institute, NIH (this landmark plan outlines the next 10-year national goals and milestones for the use of nanotechnology in cancer); b)Nanotechnology Research Directions for Societal Needs in 2020, National Science Foundation (this important publication lays the groundwork for phase 2 of the U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative, outlining the visions until 2020, assesses the needs and offers recommendations for the use of nanotechnology in biology and medicine).Dr. Akin is open for collaborationsaround the areas listed above and can be contacted by one of the means below.

Demir Akin, DVM,博士

电话:(650) 721 - 2016