
Dr Shaefer通过了美国口腔疼痛学会,联邦服务委员会的普通牙科,和美国普通牙科学会的认证。在哈佛大学牙科医学院(HSDM),他负责培训牙科预科学生的疼痛和焦虑管理。这包括教授口面疼痛的诊断和处理、麻醉的管理、疼痛控制的药理学和意识镇静训练。这些科目不是一次性教授的,而是在牙科学生的4年教育中逐步呈现的。Shaefer博士开发了课程骆驼、教程、讲座、练习和实践考试,以解决每个学科的教育目标。他在口腔面部疼痛项目的临床指导下,在博士前和博士后水平提高了对面部疼痛的诊断。他为哈佛牙科二年级学生开设的口腔面疼痛课程,让这些学生第一次有机会将他们在医学院学到的知识应用于牙科病人的诊断。它为博士前口腔疼痛训练制定了全国标准。他率先开展了麻醉和镇静方面的博士前培训;我们的学生现在第一次获得了一氧化二氮镇静的认证。 His innovations in this training include the clinical teaching of advanced anesthetic block techniques for the 2nd and 3rd division of the trigeminal nerve to incoming third year dental students. Teaching of medical emergency management also has been expanded to include the use of the emergency simulator at the medical school to better prepare the third year students for their clinical experiences. He established clinical programs in the non-surgical management of orofacial pain and TMD patients at Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital Oral Surgery Department and Brigham Women’s Hospital Pain Clinic (Anesthesia Department). His thriving orofacial pain practice within the OMFS clinic at Massachusetts General Hospital adds pain management expertise to the oral surgery practice and upgrades the quality of care for patients. His clinical practice greatly improves training opportunities for our post-doctoral student completing residency training in oral surgery, oral medicine, and orofacial pain and the pre-doctoral dental students as they complete their OMFS clinical rotations. He is responsible for teaching clinical pharmacology at the post graduate level at HSDM to the majority of the post graduate dental students.

Jeffry r . Shaefer


  • : 617-432-3153

    • 部门口腔颌面外科
    • 国家美国